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Productivity Enhancement Range: 

Discover our productivity enhancement range, designed to streamline construction processes. Our solutions ensure smoother filling of intricate formworks, quicker placement with high-quality finish, and convenient self-compacting backfill options, optimising efficiency and reducing labour costs.

Below are the Productivity Enhancement ranges

PrismSelf PrismFlow PrismFill

PrismSelf - Self compacted concrete

PrismSelf is engineered to exhibit superior  flowability, allowing for smooth and uniform filling ofintricate formworks, with minimal manual intervention

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PrismFlow- Easy flow concrete

PrismFlow is a free-flowing, self compacting concrete that is quick and easy toplace and provides an extremely high-quality surface finish.

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PrismFill - Flow fill concrete

PrismFill concrete is a self-compacting cementitious slurry consisting of a mixture of find aggregate or filler, water and cementitious.

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