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A Prismatic Range of

premix walling solution

Discover High-Quality Ready-Mix Plasters to Make Your Walls Simply Better!

The New Products Vertical (NPV) is a part of the Prism Johnson Limited-RMC (India) Division, specializes in producing and promoting allied building material products, showcasing a commitment to deliver cutting-edge solutions.
Within the NPV, the Premix Walling range is dedicated to providing high-quality wall plastering solutions to make walls simply better.

Introducing Premix Walling—a revolutionary suite of ready-mix plaster solutions designed to protect your walls while enhancing their beauty. Engineered for easy application and long-lasting durability, Premix Walling products offer cost-effective, eco-friendly, and aesthetically superior results. Whether you need to repair, protect, or create stunning wall finishes, Premix Walling is your go-to solution for a home that stands the test of time.

